Why you should travel _ All about Travel- the benefit of Traveling 2024

 We travel for different reasons, in different ways, and to different places. The preferences vary from traveller to traveller: hot countries, cold countries, long trips, local trips, solo travel, group travel, all-inclusive, adventure holidays - and so on. 


But there is one thing all travel has in common. It teaches you the same lessons - no matter where you go, how you spend your trip, and how long you stay. The multiple benefits of travel are a common denominator for all kinds of trips, and in this article, we will list the most valuable ones.

  1. Broadens horizons


Travelling opens your eyes to things you never considered before. One of the main benefits of travel is collecting new experiences. They can be physical, emotional, or psychological. 


For example, trying local cuisines may have you tasting dishes you never knew existed. Perhaps you will come across an ingredient you would never consider using on a daily basis, but once you swallow your prejudices, it will turn out yummier than you expected.


Achieve peace of mind

Most of us live in the city. Our daily routine involves navigating through urban landscapes on crowded public transport in chase of our busy schedules. Gradually stress accumulates. Problems loom large, burnout makes us feel dissatisfied with out job, we never seem to find time for adventure.

Travel is your cure!

Travelling can disconnect you from your daily routine. Once you break the repetitive pattern, pack your bags and hit the road, your mind can reset. Seeing new places, meeting new people, overcoming various challenges may even help you appreciate what you have left behind. It can help you take a step back and think about things and people you miss. You can get a better perspective on your life and remember all the good things.

Travelling lets you live life for its own sake!


Improve your communication skills

Are you a fan of international travel? Do you prefer remote and exotic locations?

Then you have probably been to places where your native language is not spoken. Sometimes you need to be quite ingenious when trying to relate with the locals. At one point you realise that every attempt to find a place or buy something involves a lot of pointing and gesturing. But gradually you pick up words.  Izquierda, mañana, dim sum, bossa nova, sushi, pastrami, gelato. Most of these you can smell, hear, taste and feel!

Meanwhile, you are also learning a lot about a new way of life, a new culture. You may even find new friends and expand your real-life social network. Especially if you are a fan of couchsurfing.

Another advantage of Ttravelling is that it also makes you interesting. Once you get back home, everyone will want to hear about your adventures and the new friends you found, or hear the new words you’ve learnt.


Boost your confidence

Travelling to new lands has its benefits but it also comes with its challenges.

I’ve heard my share of scary stories. A huge bull blocking the narrow mountain path you have taken. A rickshaw man takes a side street and suddenly you find yourself in a gloomy slum. You ask the locals for directions and they take you to the neighbourhood chief who looks like the gangsters in movies. And what is really scary is that you are alone in an unknown place. You cannot rely on friends and relatives, or even on your language skills.

This is why how travelling forces you to be resourceful and teaches you how to cope with obstacles. Overcoming various challenges turns the scary story into and adventure and boosts your confidence. You even feel better prepared for the challenges waiting for you back home.


Make memories

Real-life education is more memorable because it is personal. And our memories are part of who we are, part of our identity.

What is more, positive memories we revisit often. Open one of your photo albums and a minute later you will realise you are smiling while going through the pictures. You see happy faces and funny moments shared with friends and family. You see yourself - cheerful and filled with energy! And you relive this happiness.

Remember eating with chopsticks for the first time? West End and the gorgeous musicals! The tiny second-hand bookshop on Kanda street!

These cherished memories are precious stories you can tell your children or grandchildren one day. And they will be as vivid to them as they are for you!

  1. Develops tolerance


Prejudices are born out of fear. It’s easy to judge the unknown and form opinions about things we have never personally seen or experienced.


One of the main benefits of travel is witnessing many things you wouldn’t if you stayed at home. You can talk to people with different habits and learn their points of view. 


And just like that, something foreign will become easier to sympathise with. It will no longer be just a tale from another country or continent but a personal story - something you have seen or done. 


You don’t have to start practising the things you discover during your travels. But just understanding them is a step towards increasing your tolerance for everything that is different from what you are used to. 

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